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The Ellsworth County Historical Society is a non-profit 501c(3) and we appreciate your support. 

There are many ways you can become a partner in preserving Ellsworth County's rich history and culture.


Annual Membership to the Ellsworth County Historical Society comes with FREE admission to both the Ellsworth and Kanopolis campus throughout the year, emailed or paper copy of semi-annual newsletter and a 10% discount to our museum gift shop.

Become a Member

Individual :$15

Family: $30

Business: $40

or feel free to donate a gift of your choice.

Thank you for your membership! Please send payment in the form of a check payable to Ellsworth County Historical Society in the appropriate membership level amount.

Ellsworth County Historical Society Fund -

Gifts to this permanently endowed organization fund held in Smoky Hills Charitable Foundation are a great way to partner with us to provided sustainable funding for our future.  


Ellsworth County Historical Society has partnered with Amazon for an amazing opportunity.  If you can't complete your shopping needs in Ellsworth County and find yourself shopping on Amazon, by selecting our organization as a spotlight charity, we will receive 0.5% of the price!

To shop Amazon Smile, click here!


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